mystical experience

When I wrote “THE RITUAL” – How to Capture a Soul (2015) I received a phone call from Paradise Rosemarie. The heroine of my story is Isabella Rosemarie Montoyier; her nickname is Paradise. At that particular time in my development I failed to answer the call.

red balloon

When I wrote Paradise’s red balloon ritual… something told me to stop typing. I listened to the internal instructions, went into the kitchen, opened the newspaper and turned to the cartoon section. To my surprise ‘Rose is Rose’ by Pat Brady featured a guardian angel and a red balloon.  Paradise’s deceased grandmother (Madame Montoyier) taught her the red balloon ritual.


I also received a mysterious phone call from Gordon Weinberg. Paradise’s adversary is Avi Weinberg. I didn’t answer Gordon’s call either.


My mystical experience with writing THE RITUAL – Soul Hunter’s Prayer:

The day after I wrote Paradise reflected on Nebtee’s pit bull terrier tattoo… Anubis scripted just below the tat. I met a woman (in Philly) who was babysitting her 3-year-old granddaughter.  I asked the little girl her name, she said “Nebtee,”  I followed with “What did you say?” Her grandmother said, “My daughter named her Nephthys, but we call her Nebtee.”  I told the woman, a character in my book is named Nephthys Alexandro a/k/a Nebtee. The woman responded with “Oh. Okay.”

Image of Nephthys and Anubis courtesy

I needed to share my Nebtee experience with someone…  So, I shared my encounter with my astrology client. He responded with “I just got a puppy. He’s a Cane Corso. I named him Anubis.” My character Nebtee has a pit bull terrier tatted on her neck. The script under the tattoo reads, “Anubis.” In ancient Egyptian lore, Anubis is the funerary deity. His mother is Nephthys. She has a famous sister named Auset (Isis).  Nephthys is the goddess of mourning, death, darkness and the protector of souls. Tehuti is the god of the Moon, magic and writing.


In the Spring of 2021, I consulted a Seer (prophetess) in Philadelphia, PA – she gave me insight regarding my book series (THE RITUAL). The Seer waved a small piece of paper (billet) over a candle flame. The smudge marks revealed an image (see upper right picture). The Seer said, “A bird-like creature is helping you write your stories… when you sleep.” She continued to say more, but that information is not for public consumption.

It didn’t take long for me to discovery that bird-like creature resembled Tehuti (Thoth) the ibis. Nephthys assisted Thoth in bringing Ausar (Osiris) back to life. Isis and Osiris were married.

garden of eden?

Temple of Enlil in Nippur, Iraq | Goddess Inanna (Ishtar) courtesy of Labiba Laith

In my research phase for THE RITUAL – Soul Hunter’s Prayer, I discovered Naram-Sin’s grandfather (Sargon) received help from Inanna (Goddess of Heaven) to conquer the last god-king of Sumer. Sumer is modern day Iraq. Naram-Sin walked the defeated god-king between pillars (gate) at the Temple of Enlil (garden of Eden) in Nippur, Iraq.

When I used a technique called “Reverse Speech,” I also learned Asvin (water spirit) helped Naram-Sin annex the Atlantean Empire.  I reversed  Michelle A. Simmons narration of Thoth (Tehuti) talking to the Lords of Light. Source: THE RITUAL (Audiobook) How to Capture a Soul.

NOTE: Inanna (Ishtar – the Goddess of Heaven) was an enemy of Jehovah (YHVH) the God of Israel.

Thus says [Jehovah] the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: You and your wives have declared with your mouths, and have fulfilled it with your hands, saying, ‘We will surely perform our vows that we have made, to make offerings to the queen of heaven [Ishtar] and to pour out drink offerings to her.’ Then confirm your vows and perform your vows! (Jeremiah 44:25)

To hear an excerpt from my reading of THE RITUAL – Soul Hunter’s Prayer (please click below).


Image of Naram-Sin on Sargon of Akkad's victory stele is courtesy of WorldHistory.orq

Shema'yah Bey with Dr. Clifford E. Hazel

I created ‘THE RITUAL’ book series to help preserve some of the late Dr. Clifford E. Hazel’s esoteric knowledge. He was an Exorcist, Angelologist and high level Freemason (Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of All Hemispheres). He was born in Buford, NC on December 6, 1933. He was raised in Baltimore, MD and; he made transition on May 31, 2013.

Dr. Hazel like to say, “Spiritual work is simple.” The secret of bending a twig* along with countless other rituals returned to the spirit world with him. | *how to defend oneself against unjust aggressors.

To hear my interview with Dr, Hazel, posted in September of 2015 – please click the below fascinating interview.